Toledo Rodent Exterminator

Call me: 419-956-0298

Welcome! Toledo Rodent Exterminator is a full-service rodent control company specializing in the permanent removal of mice and rats in Toledo, OH. Whether you have a problem with mice in your attic, rats in your walls, or rodents scratching in your house, we can solve it! The key to PERMANENT rodent control lies in our inspection and preventative work - we seal the rats and mice out of your house forever, and we trap and remove them. We do not use poison! We answer our phone 24/7, and can schedule a same-day or next day appointment. Some of the services we offer include:

  • 100% Permanent Rodent Eradication
  • House, Roof, and Attic Inspections
  • Preventative Rodent Exclusion Repairs
  • Rodent Droppings Cleanup in Attic
  • Outdoor Rodent Population Abatement
  • Poison-free Rat and Mouse Extermination
  • Porch, Deck, or Shed Exclusion Barriers
  • Dead Rodent Removal - Walls or Attic

CALL US ANY TIME AT 419-956-0298

rodent trapping Toledo's Best Rodent Removal: Now, when one thinks about rats and other pests, they usually think about an exterminator who comes over and finishes the ‘battle'. Perhaps it isn't as awe-inspiring as most heroes but every job needs its hero to step up and do it and that is what we're here for. Our rat killing company will ensure that those little critters won't be harming your home or business with their presence any longer. As with most underdogs, we started off as a small team but despite our small size, we had big plans for the future and we're proud to see how far we've come. Not only have our skills given us a position as one of the best in our field but our devotion to our customers to ensure that they get the best deal has made our company very popular. This is because we don't mind if the job is easy or hard and we'll make sure to do our best either way so the quality of our work won't decrease. With tools in hand and open-minds to take on any challenge that comes their way, our specialized team will be there to ensure that you get the best of what we have to offer any time and at any place. Our company prides itself on quality so a customer's dissatisfaction is our dissatisfaction which is the reason we give a guarantee that our service will always meet your expectations.

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Toledo pest control

We Ohio's top experts in rodent control. We are not a typical Toledo rat removal or pest control company. We don't treat rats or mice like insects, because they are not - they are mammals! You can't just use poison to get rid of them, like you can with insects. Unlike most Toledo pest control, we focus on complete and permanent solutions. We don't just use poison every month. We solve your rodent problem forever, by following these steps:

  • Inspect the entire house, ground to roof, and the attic
  • Seal shut all entry areas, no matter how small, with steel
  • Set a dozen or more rat or mouse traps in the house and attic
  • Remove all rodents as they are caught and monitor for activity
  • Once there is no more activity and no more caught, we're done
  • When necessary, we clean rodent droppings, replace insulation, and repair chewed electric wires

Toledo Rodent Removal Tip:

Can Rats in an Attic Destroy the Insulation?
When considering rat infestations, many presume rats are restricted to the ground floor. They look for entryways heading down into the basement, near the kitchen, and into garages. What they fail to realize is that rats are excellent climbers. They can and do climb up onto roofs, and once there they will make their way into the attic.

Once inside the attic, the damage caused by rats can be extensive. 

Do rats destroy insulation?
In short, yes. 

Rats scavenge far and wide for material to build their nests. Insulation fiber is the perfect material, being malleable, tearable, and easily transportable. Before you know it, the rats have torn vast holes in the insulation rendering it useless.

rodent trapping For many homeowners, this is a pressing issue. If you live in an extreme weather climate, with freezing winters, attic insulation is your guard against significant temperature fluctuations. This brings your heating bills down and helps make the winter months bearable. But, it also secures the structural integrity from rapid temperature changes – including burst pipes.

At worst, the insulation can be worse than no insulation at all. The holes act as vents for hot air to escape the house, significantly increasing utility bills. 

Insulation contamination
Even if the insulation hasn't been damaged directly, it has likely been contaminated with rat droppings and urine. You'll be able to tell by noting the black pellets and foul smell. If this is the case, the insulation is now an infection risk and must be replaced. The two main infection risks are leptospirosis and salmonella – considered severe conditions.

Other problems
Rats won't just stop at tearing about and soiling the insulation. They will gnaw through wiring and woodwork, creating new holes through and into the house. If left for a prolonged period, this may even have structural implications. That's why it is essential to deal with a rat infestation as soon as you notice the signs.

Signs of rats in the attic
Most people use their attics for storage, which means months can go by without checking. However, it is sensible to regularly inspect the area (monthly) to ensure no infestation has occurred or look for the telltale signs. 

  • Scratching and squeaking sounds: Hearing rats move through the attic is the most likely indicator
  • Foul smell
  • Presence of rat droppings
  • Spotting a rat in your house or outside
  • Notice holes leading into your roof
How to clean it up?
Considering the infectious diseases that can be present, having the necessary equipment is essential. That's why it usually is best to hire an exterminator. 

Removing the rats will require a two-pronged approach.

First, the rats in the attic must be caught. This can be achieved by sealing all the holes and then using one-way cages to catch them leaving. Or through the use of poison. 

Then, once all the rats have been removed, the attic will need to be cleaned and decontaminated. Any remaining holes must be closed, and the insulation will need replacing. It can be tempting to leave the insulation in place. If the rats have only recently arrived, then some insulation may be salvageable. However, do not risk contamination. Leptospirosis and salmonella are both potentially deadly diseases. Therefore, if you suspect contamination, remove and replace. 

If rats enter your attic, they will damage the insulation, by building nests and contaminating it with urine and droppings. Rats use small holes to get inside. Closing these holes is the best method for keeping rats out and insulation safe. Thereby ensuring you don't spend a small fortune on utility bills.

We service nearby towns such as Sylvania, Maumee, Oregon, Holland, Waterville, Whitehouse, Ottawa Hill, Berkey, Harbor View, Neapolis.